- قائمة برمجيات المركز
# |
Application |
Description |
Datails |
1 | موقع الجامعة | for WebSite of university |
Destination : E-learning Center Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
2 | بوابة الهيئة التدريسية | Management Staff Information Content(Staff information) |
Destination : E-learning Center Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
3 | إدارة محتوى الأكاديمي | for management Jadara website content(news,department information) |
Destination : E-learning Center Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
4 | نظام الفهرسة والتصنيف | the system for inserting & indexing new books |
Destination : Department of Library Programin Language : Oracle 10g Database : Oracle Database |
5 | نظام الفهرسة والتصنيف | the system for inserting & indexing new books |
Destination : Department of Library Programin Language : PHP with Oracle 10g Database : Oracle Database |
6 | نظام إعارة الكتب | system for Borrowing and Returning library books |
Destination : Department of Library Programin Language : PHP with Oracle 10g Database : Oracle Database |
7 | نظام إعارة الكتب | Loan and return system for university library books |
Destination : Department of Library Programin Language : Oracle 10g Database : Oracle Database |
8 | نظام البحث | To search any book in database by multiple parameters |
Destination : Department of Library Programin Language : Oracle 10g Database : Oracle Database |
9 | نظام البحث | To search any book in database by multiple parameters |
Destination : Department of Library Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
10 | نظام طباعة الشيكات | Print and computerize all university cheques |
Destination : Department of finance Programin Language : Ms Access Database : Access |
11 | نظام العيادة | For patient control and drug control |
Destination : University Clinic Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
12 | نظام صيانة الأجهزة | to computerized all request and technical team of computer center |
Destination : Computer Center Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
13 | نظام عمادة شؤون الطلبة | to computerized all works of Affairs Deanship Directory |
Destination : Affairs Deanship Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
14 | نظام المواد البشرية | Provide the Department of Human Resources with the information of faculty members |
Destination : Department of HR Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
15 | نظام الأمن والخدمات | To control the actions and behaviors of students |
Destination : Department of Security Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL |
16 | نظام اللوازم | Providing the university with materials and classification by category |
Destination : Department of Supply Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
17 | نظام إدارة الأبحاث | the system for uploading research of faculty members |
Destination : Science & research Deanship Programin Language : PHP Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
18 | نظام الحوافز للأبحاث | the system for calculate Incentives and rewards of research for faculty members |
Destination : Science & research Deanship Programin Language : PHP Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
19 | نظام متابعة مشاهدات الدكاترة | the system for statistically of researches for faculty members |
Destination : Science & research Deanship Programin Language : PHP & JSON Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
20 | نظام الجودة | the system for archiving the Quality of files in each faculty |
Destination : Faculty of Business Programin Language : PHP Database : MYSQL |
21 | نظام براءة الذمة للطلاب | Online student clearance application system |
Destination : Deanship of Admission and Registration Programin Language : PHP Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
22 | نظام الخطة الدراسية | System of Course capacity for each faculty members in university programs |
Destination : E-learning Center Programin Language : PHP Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
23 | نظام البصمة للعاملين | control and print repotrs of daliy employees attendance |
Destination : HR Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
24 | نظام متابعة الخريجين | to follow-up Alumni & graduates |
Destination : Affairs Deanship Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
25 | نظام بصمة الوجه للعاملين | control and print repotrs of daliy employees attendance |
Destination : HR Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
26 | نظام الترقية للداترة | control faculty members promotions |
Destination : satffs,section,faculty,deans committee Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL & Oracle Db |
27 | مجلة جامعة جدارا | Deanship of Scientific Research Incentives |
Destination : Deanship of Scientific Research Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL |
28 | نظام المركز النفسي للمرضى | Follow-up Patients by College of Educational Sciences |
Destination : College of Educational Sciences Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL |
29 | نظام تصريح المركبات | Follow-up Cars System by Department of Security |
Destination : Department of Security Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL, Oracle Database |
30 | نظام متابعة المحاضرات الأسبوعي | Follow-up Lecture System by E-learning Center |
Destination : E-learning Center Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL, Oracle Database |
31 | نظام تقييم الطلبة للدكاترة | Student evaluation system for faculty members |
Destination : E-learning Center Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL, Oracle Database |
32 | نظام الإقتراحات | Complaints and suggestions system for students |
Destination : E-learning Center Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL, Oracle Database |
33 | نظام المركز الإعلامي | News and Advertisements system for University |
Destination : Public Relations Department Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : MYSQL |
34 | نظام ربط التعليم الإلكتروني | for Connection student e learning system by Jadara database |
Destination : E-learning Center Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : Oracle Database |
35 | موقع مركز أبحاث جدارا | Research Center website |
Destination : Research Center Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : PHP MYSQL |
36 | إدارة طلبات وأبحاث الباحثيين مركز أبحاث جدارا | Jadara Research Center |
Destination : Research Center Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : PHP MYSQL |
37 | نظام حجز القاعات للعلاقات العامة | Jadara Halls reserved System |
Destination : Department of Public Relations Programin Language : PHP MYSQL Database : PHP MYSQL |
38 | مجموعة برمجيات حسب الطلب | Any programs requested by the university |
Destination : E-learning Center Programin Language : SQL, PHP, Access and html Database : Oracle Database, Access, MYSQL |