
معلومات عضو هيئة التدريس


السنة العنوان
2019 • Protecting Network Routes or Communication by Implementing Secure and Energy-aware Framework in MANETs
2019 • Study and Analysis of "OSI, TCP-IP AND IPX-SPX" Models
2018 • Analysis Of Job Scheduler Algorithms To Manage The CPU
2018 • Comparison Between Fixed Partitioned Memory Management And Relocatable Memory
2014 • An Approach to Object Oriented Database Perspective,
2012 • Investigation Of Performance In Object-Relational Databases
2012 • Object Relational Database Concepts
2011 • Approach of Object Oriented Data Modelling
2011 • Comparison Between Object-Relational And Object-Oriented Databases
التاريخ المجال المعرفي
2024-01-02 الشبكات والنظم
التاريخ المكان العنوان
2013-08-11 جامعة شقرا تدريس
التاريخ المكان العنوان

الإنتماءات / الشهادات

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