
Department of Information and Communication Technology


1- Providing students with the latest solid theoretical knowledge, skills and professional abilities to produce media materials for all print, audio, visual and digital media, in line with accreditation and quality requirements. 
2- Harmonization between theoretical knowledge and practical applications to refine The student’s personality and preparing him for work and competition in the contemporary media market. 
3- Developing communication skills and capabilities, enriching scientific research knowledge and skills, and upgrading media performance by providing students with an integrated package of necessary requirements. 
4- Continuous updating and development of the study plan in line with the data .
5- Continuous communication and communication with local community bodies and organizations, and the promotion and consolidation of the ethics of the media profession and the culture of community service. 
6- Motivation and development of the skills and abilities of members The faculty, both academically and research, through the exchange of expertise and experiences locally, regionally and internationally.


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