
Department of Communications and Computer Engineering


Communication and Computer Engineering Program Educational Objectives (PEO's)

  1. Identifying the problems facing humans and the environment and the role of engineering in addressing them and integrating them with various sciences.
  2. Understanding the basic sciences in mathematics, physics, etc., enables them to understand the properties of engineering materials used individually, the relationships that govern their complex behavior, and their characteristics within the design and implementation processes.
  3. The student’s awareness of the necessity of continuing learning and training, following developments, attending scientific conferences in specialized communications and computer engineering, and completing postgraduate studies.
  4. Practical application of knowledge and experience and conducting experiments and tests on various engineering materials.
  5. Designing various communications and computer engineering projects according to local and international design standards and codes and applying technical specifications, safety, and economic standards.
  6. Analyzing the causes of problems that obstruct engineering work and the defects in their functions and proposing the necessary solutions in design and implementation.
  7. Enabling the student with various communication skills and tools within engineering institutions and with relevant institutions in the public and private sectors and writing reports for engineering projects.
  8. Developing the academic process following national accreditation standards and international competency requirements such as (ABET) and meeting the needs of engineering and educational institutions with highly qualified and competitive cadres.
  9. Developing the thinking process and the ability to take initiative to develop and manage engineering works.
  10. Enabling adherence to the ethical standards and behaviors required in practicing engineering work honestly, competently, and transparently.


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