
Department of Robotics and artificial intelligence


Welcome to the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Department at Jadara University!

Our goal is to provide an exceptional interactive learning environment where you will have the opportunity to discover and explore modern technologies in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, which is a multidisciplinary field that combines computer science, engineering, mathematics, psychology, management, economics, philosophy, and other areas. We have highly qualified faculty members, modern facilities, and a commitment to excellence that makes us a top destination for students who will have the opportunity to work with experienced teachers and researchers, who are striving to provide high-quality education and develop technologies in this advanced field. We are proud to be part of a vibrant community of innovators who are working to solve some of the most pressing challenges in the world through the specialization of robotics and artificial intelligence. We look forward to a bright future for all of you, and we hope you will enjoy your experience in the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Department and acquire the skills and knowledge you need to achieve your goals and fulfill your ambitions.

Department members:

Dr. Muhyeeddin Kamel Alqaraleh

Dr. Dr Ma`en Al-Zubi

Dr. Saleem Al-Zubi

Dr. Morad Albashabsheh

Dr. Nisrean Thalji



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