
Department of Physical Education



1- Providing a high, distinguished, and modern level of curricula, scientific courses, programs, and services in various sciences related to the field of sports education with the aim of raising the efficiency of the learning process to keep pace with global scientific progress.

2- Creating an integrated personality for the student by graduating an outstanding student with a high-quality scientific level to form a scientifically, intellectually, and morally advanced personality.

3- Developing and updating the learning process, and developing the creative aspects of the student through advanced courses that are in line with the needs of the community and the development of the environment in light of scientific and technological progress.

4- Preparing a graduate who has a high ability to compete in the labor market.

5- Developing cultural awareness of the importance of practicing sports in all its forms and various fields among the students of the department and the faculty and the rest of the community categories and highlighting its role in raising a healthy generation physically and mentally.

6- Continuous development of faculty members through holding training courses to provide the skills and abilities of faculty members.

7- Encouraging faculty members in the department to produce distinguished and innovative scientific research and participate in scientific conferences and specialized seminars.


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