
Information of Faculty Members

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Course Code Course Name Syllabus
505203 Ordinary Differential Equations 1 Syllabus
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
505203 Ordinary Differential Equations 1 Syllabus
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
505421 Number Theory Syllabus
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
505714 Software Applications in Mathematics Syllabus
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
505321 Numerical Analysis I Syllabus
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
505308 Complex Analysis I Syllabus
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
505305 Partial Differential Equation 1 Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
505412 Ordinary Differential Equations (2) Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
505721 Numerical Analysis (Master degree) Syllabus
# Title Year
•  Belal Batiha, Efficient Numerical Solutions for Fuzzy Time Fractional Diffusion Equations Using Two Explicit Compact Finite Difference Methods, Computation (2024), 12(4), 79 (Scopus Q2) 2024
•  Tariq Qawasmeh, Raed Hatamleh, Belal Batiha, Ahmed Salem Heilat, On The Linear Equivalence of Sequences in Hilbert Spaces, J. Appl. Math. & Informatics Vol. 42(2024), No. 2, pp. 237 - 243,, (Scopus Q4) 2024
•  Belal Batiha, Innovative Solutions for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation via the New Iterative Method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (2024), 5541845, (Scopus Q1) 2024
•  F. Ghanim, Belal Batiha, Ali Hasan Ali and M. Darus, Geometric Properties of a Linear Complex Operator on a Subclass of Meromorphic Functions: An Analysis of Hurwitz-Lerch-Zeta Functions, Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 8(2) (2023) 2229-2240 (Scopus Q1, Impact Factor 3.1) 2023
•  Belal Batiha, Ahmed Salem Heilat and Firas Ghanim, Closed-Form Solu- tions for Cauchy-Euler Differential Equations through the New Iterative Method (NIM), Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol. 17, No. 3, 459-467 (2023). (Scopus Q2) 2023
•  Belal Batiha, An Iterative Method for Solving the Dispersive Partial Differential Equations, Information Sciences Letters, Vol. 12, No. 6, 2357-2364 (2023). (Scopus Q2) 2023
•  Belal Batiha, Solving One Species LotkaVolterra Equation by the New Iterative Method (NIM), WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, vol. 22, pp. 324-329, 2023. (Scopus Q3) 2023
•  A.S. Heilat, B Batiha, T. Qawasmeh, R. Hatamleh, Hybrid Cubic B-spline Method for Solving A Class of Singular Boundary Value Problems, European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 16 (2), 751-762 (2023). (Scopus Q3) 2023
•  Belal Batiha, Areen Al-khateeb and Hamzeh Zureigat, Improving Numeri- cal Solutions for the Generalized Huxley Equation: The New Iterative Method (NIM), Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol. 17, No. 3, 423-427 (2023). (Scopus Q2) 2023
•  Belal Batiha, Firas Ghanim, Khaled Batiha, Application of the New Iterative Method (NIM) to the Generalized Burgers-Huxley Equation. Symmetry 2023, 15, 688. (Scopus Q1, Impact Factor 2.9) 2023
•  Osama Ala’yed, Belal Batiha, Diala Alghazo, Firas Ghanim. Cubic B-Spline method for the solution of the quadratic Riccati differential equation. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(4): 9576-9584. (Scopus Q1, Impact Factor 2.7) 2023
•  Belal Batiha, Firas Ghanim, O. Alayed, Raed Hatamleh, Ahmed Salem Heilat, Hamzeh Zureigat, Omar Bazighifan, 2022, Solving Multispecies LotkaVolterra Equations by the Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari Method, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2022, 1-7. (Scopus Q2) 2022
•  F. Ghanim; Hiba F. Al-Janaby; Marwan Al-Momani; B. Batiha, 2022, Geomet- ric Studies on Mittag-Leffler Type Function Involving a New Integrodifferential Operator, Mathematics 2022, Volume 10, Issue 18, 32-43. (Scopus Q1, Impact Factor 2.6) 2022
•  B. Batiha, 2022, New Solution of the Sine-Gordon Equation by the Daftardar- Gejji and Jafari Method, Symmetry 2022, Volume 14, Issue 1, 57. (Scopus Q1, Impact Factor 2.9) 2022
•  B. Batiha, Firas Ghanim, 2021, Numerical Implementation of Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari Method to the Quadratic Riccati Equation, Buletinul Academiei De Stiinte, A Republicii Moldova. Matematica, Number 3(97), 2021, Pages 21-29. (Scopus Q4) 2021
•  Ahmed Salem Heilat, Hamzeh Zureigat, Raed Hatamleh, Belal Batiha, 2021, A New Spline Method for Solving Linear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, European Journal of Pure And Applied Mathematics, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2021, 1283-1294. (Scopus Q3) 2021
•  R. Abdelrahim,, Z. Omar , O. Alayed ,Belal Batiha, 2019, Hybrid third derivative block method for the solution of general second order initial value problems with generalized one step point, European Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics, Vol. 12, 2019
•  Alayed, O., Belal Batiha, Abdelrahim, R., Jawarneh, A., 2019, On the numerical solution of the nonlinear Bratu type equation via quintic B-spline method , Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, DOI: 10.1080/09720502.2019.1624305 2019
•  F. Ghanim and Belal Batiha, 2018, New applications of generalized hypergeometric functions and linear operator with Hurwitz-Lerch-Zeta function, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications (NFAA), Vol. 23, 2018, 431- 442. 2018
•  A. A. Farooq, Belal Batiha, A. M. Siddiqui , 2017, Lifting of a Jeffrey fluid on a vertical belt under the simultaneous effects of magnetic field and wall slip conditions, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 6 (3) (2017) 101- 104. 2017
•  Belal Batiha, Firas Ghanim, 2017, Solving strongly nonlinear oscillators by new numerical method, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 116 (1) 115–124. 2017
•  R Yulita, B Batiha, M Taib, 2016, Solutions of fractional Zakharov–Kuznetsov equations by fractional complex transform, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 5 (1) 24–28. 2016
•  Belal Batiha, 2015, A new efficient method for solving quadratic Riccati differential equation, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 4 (1) 24–29. 2015
•  Belal Batiha, 2014, The solution of the prey and predator problem by differential transformation method, International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4 (1) 36–43. 2014
•  A. A. Farooq, Belal Batiha, A. M. Siddiqui , 2013, A numerical study of thin film flow of a non-Newtonian fluid on a vertically moving belt using variational iteration approach, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 2 (2) 325–337. 2013
•  R. Yulita Molliq, Belal Batiha, 2012, Approximate Analytic Solutions of Fractional Zakharov–Kuznetsov Equations By Fractional Complex Transform, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 1 (1) 1–13. 2012
•  Belal Batiha, 2012, Comparison of Numerical Methods for Solving One Species Lotka–Volterra Equation, Annals of Oradea University - Mathematics Fascicola, Tom XIX, (1), 243–253. 2012
•  Belal Batiha, 2012, The variational iteration method for solving nonlinear oscillators, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 6 (36), 1771–1777 . 2012
•  Belal Batiha, 2012, Variational Iteration Method and Its Applications, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN 978-3-8465-9081-2. 2012
•  Belal Batiha, 2012, Calculus, The Easy Way, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-14836-1. 2012
•  Abdul-Monim Batiha , Belal Batiha, 2011, A new method for solving epidemic model, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(12), 3122–3126. 2011
•  Abdul-Monim Batiha , Belal Batiha, 2011 Differential transformation method for a reliable treatment of the nonlinear biochemical reaction model, Advanced Studies in Biology, 3 (8), 355–360. 2011
•  Khaled Batiha, Belal Batiha, 2011, A New Algorithm for Solving Linear Ordinary Differential Equations, World Applied Sciences Journal, 15 (12), 1774–1779. 2011
•  Khaled Batiha, Belal Batiha, 2011, A Reliable Algorithm for solving CauchyEuler Differential Equation, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(11), 2161–2169. 2011
•  Belal Batiha, Khaldoun Batiha, Khaled Batiha, The Simple Reference in Maple, Amman, Jordan, 2011. 2011
•  B. Batiha, K. Batiha, 2010, An Analytic Study of the (2 + 1)-Dimensional Potential Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation, Advances In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , Vol. 3, no. 11, 513 – 520 2010
•  B. Batiha, 2010, A variational iteration method for solving the Bratu-type model Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 39, 23–29. 2010
•  B. Batiha, 2009, Application of variational iteration method to linear partial differential equations. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 3(50): 2491–2498. 2009
•  B. Batiha, 2009, Numerical Solution of a Class of Singular Second- Order IVPs by Variational Iteration Method, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 3(40):1953–1968. 2009
•  B. Batiha, 2009, A variational iteration method for solving the nonlinear KleinGordon equation. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(4): 3876– 3890. 2009
•  Belal Batiha,Variational iteration method to Bratu equations, Southeastern– Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, October 16–17, 2009, Mercer University, Macon, GA, United States. 2009
•  . Belal Batiha, Application of variational iteration method to Bratu–type equations, The 12th Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, 5−7 th November 2009, TIMISOARA, Romania. 2009
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani & I. Hashim. 2008. Application of variational iteration method to the generalized Burgers-Huxley equation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 36(3): 660–663 (Elsevier, ISSN 0960-0779, Impact Factor 2005: 1.938). 2008
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani, I. Hashim & K. Batiha. 2008. Numerical simulations of systems of PDEs by variational iteration method . Phys. Lett. A 372(6): 822–829 (Elsevier, ISSN: 0375-9601, Impact Factor 2005: 1.550) 2008
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani, I. Hashim. 2008. The solution of the one species Lotka-Volterra equation using variational iteration method. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2(2): 55–60. 2008
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani & I. Hashim. 2007. Numerical simulation of the generalized Huxley equation by He’s variational iteration method. Appl. Math. Comput. 186: 1322–1325 (Elsevier, ISSN 0096-3003, Impact Factor 2005: 0.688) 2008
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani, I. Hashim. 2007. Variational iteration method for solving multispecies Lotka-Volterra equations. Comput. Math. Applics. 54(7-8): 903–909 (Elsevier, ISSN: 0898-1221, Impact Factor 2005: 0.430). 2007
•  . B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani, I. Hashim. 2007.A numerical solution of the sineGordon equation using variational iteration method. Phys. Lett. A 370(5-6): 437–440 (Elsevier, ISSN: 0375-9601, Impact Factor 2005: 1.550) 2007
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani, I. Hashim, E.S. Ismail. 2007. The multistage variational iteration method for a class of nonlinear system of ODEs. Physica Scripta 76: 388–392.(IOP, ISSN 0031-8949 (Print) ISSN 1402-4896 (Online) , Impact Factor 2005: 1.161 2007
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani, I. Hashim.2007. Approximate analytical solution of coupled sine-Gordon equation by variational iteration method. Physica Scripta 76: 445–448.(IOP, ISSN 0031-8949 (Print) ISSN 1402-4896 (Online) , Impact Factor 2005: 1.161). 2007
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani, I. Hashim.2007. Application of variational iteration method to heat- and wave-like equations. Phys. Lett. A 369(1-2): 55–61 (Elsevier, ISSN: 0375-9601, Impact Factor 2005: 1.550) 2007
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani, I. Hashim. 2007. Solving Riccati differential equation using variational iteration method. Int. Math. Forum 2 (56): 2759–2770 (Hikari, ISSN 1312-7594). 2007
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani, I. Hashim. 2007. Numerical solutions of the nonlinear integro-differential equations, Int. J. Open Problem Compt. Math. 1: 75–83. 2007
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani and I. Hashim. The Multistage Variational Iteration Method for Solving Multispecies Lotka-Volterra Equations. ICMBio, KL. 4–6 Sept 2007. (AIP) 2007
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani and I. Hashim. Application of variational iteration method to the third-order dispersive equation. pp. 156–159 Int. Conf. Research Educ. Math. 10–12 April 2007. 2007
•  S. Zenian, B. Batiha, I. Hashim. 2007. Numerical Comparisons of AGE Method and Adomian Decomposition Method for the Solution of Fourth-Order Parabolic Equation. pp. 260–265 Int. Conf. Research Educ. Math. 10–12 April 2007. 2007
•  B. Batiha, M.S.M. Noorani & I. Hashim. The solution of the one species LotkaVolterra equation using variational iteration method. NCMBio, KL. 22-23 August2006. UPM. 2007
•  I. Hashim, M.S.M. Noorani, B. Batiha. 2006. A note on the Adomian decomposition method for the generalized Huxley equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 181(2):1439-1445 2006
# Field Date
•  Solving Differential Equation by Numerical Methods 2022-02-21
# Title Location Date
•  Jadara University, 01/09/2018-Now Jordan 2020-02-04
•  Higher Colleges of Technology, 01/03/2011 - 31/07/2017 UAE, Abu Dhabi 2020-02-04
•  UAE Naval College, 15/02/2010 - 28/02/2011 UAE, Abu Dhabi 2020-02-04
•  Qassim University, 03/10/2009 - 01/02/2010 Al-Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2020-02-04
•  Philadelphia University, 01/10/2008 - 01/10/2009 Amman, Jordan 2020-02-04
•  National University of Malaysia, 01/08/2005 - 18/07/2008 Bangi, Malaysia 2020-02-04
•  Bremen University, 06/02/2002 - 17/11/2004 Bremen, Germany 2020-02-04
# Title Location Date
•  Editorial Board in the Journal of Advanced Research in Scientific Computing, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, USA. USA 2020
•  Editorial Board in Applied Mathematics, Scientific & Academic Publishing, USA. USA 2020
•  International Referee/Reviewer in Computers and Mathematics with Applications. (Elsevier) Germany 2020
•  International Referee/Reviewer in Mathematical and Computer Modelling. (Elsevier) Germany 2020
•  International Referee/Reviewer in Physics Letters A (Elsevier) Germany 2020
•  International Referee/Reviewer in Applied Mathematics and Computation. (Elsevier) Germany 2020
•  International Referee/Reviewer in Journal of Computational and applied Mathematics. (Elsevier) Germany 2020
•  International Referee/Reviewer in Advances in Water Resources. (Elsevier) Germany 2020
•  International Referee/Reviewer in International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics. Jordan 2020
•  International Referee/Reviewer in International Journal of Nonlinear Science. South Korea 2020
•  Membership of Member of Jordan Research Group in Applied Mathematics (JRGAM), since 2011. Jordan 2011
•  Membership of Marquis Who’s Who in the world, since 2008. USA 2008
•  Membership of the Jordanian Mathematics Society, since 2008. Jordan 2008


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