
Department of Computer Science


Aims of the program: 

The program aims are classified along the following dimensions.

1. Knowledge and understanding:  produce graduates who have an up to date knowledge and understanding of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which is relevant to the needs of industry.

2. Application: to ensure graduates have practical experience in the analysis and design of application and their associated tools and technologies which are used in the development of computer-based systems individually and in a team.

3. Lifelong learning:  to prepare graduates understand the need to continually update their skills and knowledge, and rapidly developing subject area using research in order to meet their full potential throughout their career.

4. Innovation: to develop graduates who are reflective learners and understand the importance of research and critical thinking to identify and pursue an evidence based approach to develop and improve current systems or methods of working both independently and as part of a team, and to be able to communicate this clearly and effectively to diverse audiences.

5. Social : to foster graduates' personal development and contribute positively in a socially responsible and ethical manners and in particular understand the ethical dimensions which impact on the development and use of computer based systems.


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