
Department of Business Information Technology


Department objectives

1. Preparing qualified and trained cadres to meet the needs of the local and Arab labor market in the field of business information technology.
2. Providing an advanced academic environment commensurate with accreditation and quality requirements to obtain the desired educational outcomes.
3. Continuous development of the skills and capabilities of academic and research faculty members by activating cooperation and participation with similar departments in Jordanian and regional universities.
4. Training students on research methods and solving business problems in practical ways, and training students practically in various locations in local institutions.
5. Providing the community and the local market with qualified graduates in business information technology in order to bring about a qualitative shift in the performance of local institutions according to the global foundations necessary for the progress and prosperity of institutions.
6. Updating the study plan in line with the needs of the labor market and scientific and technological developments.
7. Consolidating professional ethics and a culture of community service among students and practicing them with high professionalism.
8. Providing students with the skills of using information technology to solve targeted problems and storing, maintaining, updating, preserving and retrieving information.
9. Providing graduates with appropriate computer software development skills that contribute to alleviating traditional clerical work and arranging the operations and activities of institutions in a logical and organized manner.


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