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Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 Constitutional Law and Political Systems Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 Constitutional Law and Political Systems Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 The Jordanian Constitutional System Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 Administrative Law (1). Administrative Law (1). Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 Administrative Law (1). Administrative Law (2). Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 Administrative Judiciary Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 Administrative law for postgraduate students Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 Public Finance and Tax Legislation Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 Local Administration Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 Public Rights and Freedoms Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 Human Rights Syllabus Not Available
Course Code Course Name Syllabus
0 International Humanitarian Law Syllabus Not Available
# Title Year
•  . Control over the Constitutionality of International Treaties ( A comparative study ). International journal of Innovation , Creativity and Change. Vol 13 , Issue 12 , 2020 .(Scopus Q2). 2020
•  . IMPACT OF PANDEMIC COVID – 19 ON THE LEGAL REGULATION OF WORLD TRADE ACTIVITY USING The EXAMPLE OF THE MEDICAL SUPPLIES: Wiadomosci LeKarsKie ( official journal of the polish medical association, VOLUME LXXIII, ISSUE 7, JULY 2020 (Scopus Q3 ). 2020
•  The Right of Senate Members to Question the Government : An Appraisal of the Jordanian Constitutional System. International journal of Innovation , Creativity and Change. Vol 12 , Issue 9 , 2020 .(Scopus Q2). 2020
•  . Legal Problems and Challenges Facing Electronic Commerce Contracts and Ways to overcome them in the Jordanian and Comparative Legislatures. International journal of Innovation , Creativity and Change. Vol 12 , Issue 9 , 2020 .(Scopus Q2). 2020
•  . Legal Bases for Distinguishing Administrative Contracts : A Comparative study. British journal , February 2020, {ol. 18 (2),( ebsco ). 6. Innovative Ways to Tackle Cyber Terrorism and the Role of Public and Private Law in Attaining it : A Focus on Causes and Solutions. International journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. Vol 8 , Issue 4, 2019, (Scopus Q2). 2019
•  The Right of the Dissolution Parliament in the Jordanian and Kuwaiti Parliamentary System ( A comparative study ): journal of law, policy and globalization, vol.90,2019, ( ebsco ). 2019
•  The Effectiveness of the Question as a Means of Parliamentary Oversight over the Governmental works in the Jordanian Constitutional System: journal of law, policy and globalization, vol.90,2019, ( ebsco ). 2019
•  . مأسسة السلطة السياسية في النظام الدستوري الاسلامي ، مجلة اربد للبحوث والدراسات الانسانية، المجلد 21 ، العدد الاول ، 2019 . 2019
•  المحكمة الدستورية في الاردن بين النص والاجتهاد والفقه المقارن : مجلة جامعة تكريت للحقوق ، السنة (1) ، المجلد (1) ، العدد (2) ، الجزء (2) ، اذار 2017 . 2017
•  Court authority to complete the contract in Jordanian civil law:information and Knowledge Management, Vol.7,No.3,2017. 2017
•  أثر النظام الحزبي في الرقابة الادارية على اعمال الادارة ( دراسة تطبيقية على المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية ) : مجلة دراسات، علوم الشريعة والقانون، المجلد 43، العدد 1، 2016 . 2016
# Field Date
# Title Location Date
•  المشاركة في المناقشات العلمية لطلبة الدراسات العليا جامعة جدارا 2019-01-01
•  مناقشة رسالة ماجستير بعنوان:( جرائم القبض أو الحبس للأشخاص بدون وجه حق وخطفهم في القانون المقارن ) للطالب فيصل مشرف شوكة مطلق، كلية القانون – جامعة جدارا ، تاريخ 30 / 8 / 2015 . جامعة جدارا 2015-08-30
# Title Location Date
•  مؤتمر " تأثير وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي على النشر الالكتروني " ، ( الجامعة الأردنية )، الجامعة الاردنية 2015
•  مؤتمر " السلامة المرورية "، عمان – فندق لأند مارك، 12-13/05/2015. عمان 2015


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