saleh ibrahem ahmed al'omar
+962 2 7201222
- Department Director
(The Development of Quality Assurance Center (DQAC
It is an administrative unit of the university responsible for managing the implementation of the quality management system at the university, and determining the necessary procedures and applying them in all university units. The Center works to determine the standards and methods required to ensure the effective application of the necessary procedures to help the various colleges and departments to continuously improve and develop and obtain local and international quality and accreditation certificates.
The Center for Development and Quality Assurance has a vision, mission and goals, and the Center works to achieve them. It also has several committees and councils associated with it in order to ensure continuous improvement and development at the level of all academic and administrative units of the university. The Center has a Supreme Council for Quality Assurance and Accreditation, the Council of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance, and the Quality Committee. The center also has an organizational structure that includes the units necessary to organize its work. The center cooperates with experts and qualified people from the university and outside it and provides the necessary consultations and studies for the purposes of ensuring quality and developing performance.